Lung-Amam, Willow. 2024. The Right to Suburbia: Combating Gentrification on the Urban Edge. Oakland: University of California Press.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2017. Trespassers?: Asian Americans and the Battle for Suburbia. Oakland: University of California Press.


Finio, Nicholas, Willow Lung-Amam, Gerrit Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Brittany Wong. 2024. Equity, Opportunity, Community Engagement and the Regional Planning Process: Data and Mapping in Five U.S. Metropolitan Areas. Journal of Planning Research and Education 44, 1, 16-27.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2023. The Not So New South: Asian Immigration and the Politics of School Integration in the Research Triangle. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 9, 2: 55-74.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Nohely Alvarez, and Rodney Green. We Make Us Safe: Alternatives to Policing in a Latinx Immigrant Suburb. Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2130072 (online first).

Lung-Amam, Willow, Nohely Alvarez, and Rodney Green. Beyond Community Policing: Centering Community Development in Efforts to Improve Safety in Immigrant Communities. Journal of Community Practice. DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2021.1997850 (online first). Honorable mention awardee for 2023 Marie Weil Best Article Award in the journal from Advancing Social Change through Community Practice (ACOSA).

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2021. Surviving Suburban Redevelopment: Resisting the Displacement of Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses in Wheaton, Maryland. Journal of Urban Affairs 43, 3: 449-466.

Nicholas Finio, Willow Lung-Amam, Gerrit Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Elijah Knaap. 2021. Metropolitan Planning in a Vacuum: Lessons on Regional Equity from Baltimore’s Sustainable Communities Initiative. Journal of Urban Affairs 43, 3: 467-485.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Ariel Bierbaum, Sheri Parks, Gerrit Knaap, Gail Sunderman, Lauren Stamm. 2021. Towards Engaged, Just, and Smart Communities: Lessons from West Baltimore. Housing Policy Debate 31, 1: 93-111.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2020. Out of the Urban Shadows: Uneven Development and Spatial Politics in Immigrant Suburbs. City and Community 9, 2: 303-309.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Casey Dawkins. 2020. The Power of Participatory Story Mapping: Advancing Equitable Development in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods. Community Development Journal 55, 3: 473-495.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Rolf Pendall, and Elijah Knaap. 2019. Mi Casa no es Su Casa: Transit-Induced Gentrification and the Fight for Equitable Development in an Inner-Ring, Immigrant Suburb. Journal of Planning Education and Research 39, 4: 442-455.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Anisha Gade. 2019. Suburbia Reimagined: Asian Immigration and the Form and Function of Faith-based Institutions in Silicon Valley. Journal of Urban Design 24, 5: 738-56. 

Lung-Amam, Willow, Eli Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Gerrit-Jan Knaap. 2018. Opportunity for Whom? The Diverse Definitions of Neighborhood Opportunity in Baltimore. City and Community 17, 3: 636-657.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Gerardo Sandoval. 2018. A Right to Sanctuary: Supporting Immigrant Communities in an Era of Extreme Precarity. Planning Theory and Practice 19, 4: 598-604.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Stacy Harwood, Gerardo Sandoval, and Siddhartha Sen. 2015. Teaching Equity Planning in a “Post-Racial” Multicultural World. Journal of Planning Education and Research 35, 3: 336-342.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2015. Malls of Meaning: Building Asian America in Silicon Valley Suburbia. Journal of American Ethnic History 34, 2: 18-53. Republished in: Bukowczyk, John (ed). 2016. Immigrant Identity and the Politics of Citizenship. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2013. That “Monster House” is My Home: The Social and Cultural Politics of Design Reviews and Regulations. Journal of Urban Design 18, 2: 220-241. Republished in: Nicolaides, Becky and Andrew Weise (eds). 2016. The Suburb Reader. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.

Chang, Shenglin E. and Willow Lung Amam. 2010. Born Glocal: Youth Identity and Suburban Spaces in the U.S. and Taiwan. Amerasia Journal 36, 3: 29-52.

Book Chapters

Lung-Amam, Willow and Katy June-Friesen. 2022. Growing Together or Apart?: Critical Tensions in Charting an Equitable Smart Growth Future. In Handbook on Smart Growth: Promises, Principles, and Prospects for Planning, edited by Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Rebecca Lewis, Arnab Chakraborty, and Katy June-Friesen, 259-75. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Katrin B. Anacker, and Nicholas Finio. 2022. Worlds Away in Suburbia: The Changing Geography of High-Poverty Neighborhoods in the Washington, DC Metro. In Suburbia in the 21st Century: From Dreamscape to Nightmare?, edited by Paul J. Maginn and Katrin Anacker, 179-201. New York: Routledge.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2019. A New Generation of ‘Single-Family’ Homes: Multigenerational Homebuilding in the Suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona. In The Routledge Handbook of Housing Policy and Planning, edited by Katrin B. Anacker, Mai Thi Nguyen, and David P. Varady, 357-372. London: Routledge.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Alex Schafran. 2019. From Sanford to Ferguson: Race, Protest and Democracy in the American Suburbs. In The Routledge Companion to the Suburbs, edited by Bernadette Hanlon and Thomas Vicino, 220-229. London: Routledge.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2018. An Equitable Future for the Washington, DC Region? A 'Regionalism Light' Approach to Building Inclusive Neighborhoods. In A Shared Future: Fostering Communities of Inclusion in an Era of Inequality, edited by Christopher Herbert, Jonathan Spader, Jennifer Molinsky, and Shannon Reiger. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, 192-203.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2015. The Vibrant Life of Asian Malls in Silicon Valley. In Making Suburbia: New Histories of Everyday America, edited by John Archer, Paul J. P. Sandul, and Katherine Solomonson, 208-226. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2013. “Dumb White Kids” and “Asian Nerds”: Race and Ethnic Relations in Silicon Valley Suburban Schools. In Transcultural Cities: Border-crossing and Placemaking, edited by Jeffrey Hou, 177-190. London: Routledge. 

NEWpaper ARTICLes and Op-Eds

June-Friesen-Katy, Willow Lung-Amam, and Lauren Meyer. “DC has been a leader in residential tenant protections. Here’s how it could better protect small business tenants.” Greater Greater Washington. January 29, 2025.

Lung-Amam, Willow. “Gentrification isn’t just happening in cities. It’s also happening in America’s suburbs.” Next City, September 30, 2024.

Lung-Amam, Willow. Suburbs are gentrifying—and communities are pushing back.” In “How We Rise,” a project of the Brooking Institute, Washington, DC, September 26, 2024.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Nohely Alvarez. “To narrow the racial wealth gap, help entrepreneurs of color own property.” CityLab (Bloomberg), April 28, 2022.

Lung-Amam, Willow. Businesses are victims of gentrification too. Small businesses were already being displaced in gentrifying neighborhoods. The pandemic made it worse.” CityLab (Bloomberg), May 19, 2021.

Lung-Amam, Willow. “The next New Deal must be for Black Americans, too.” CityLab (Bloomberg), January 18, 2021.

Lung-Amam, Willow.Why Trump’s suburban strategy failed. Did Black and brown cities deliver democrats the election? Yes — And so did Black and brown suburbs.” CityLab (Bloomberg), November 12, 2020.

Lung-Amam, Willlow. Why is Trump obsessed with suburbs?” In “How We Rise”, a project of the Brooking Institute, October 5, 2020.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Eli Knaap. "Defining 'opportunity' in Baltimore." Baltimore Sun, August 22, 2015. 


Nohely T. Alvarez, Andrews, Bi’Anncha, Willow Lung-Amam, and Katy June-Friesen. July 2024 (second edition). Small Business Anti-Displacement Toolkit: A Guide for Small Business Leaders. College Park, MD: Small Business Anti-Displacement.

Lung-Amam, Willow and Gerrit-Jan Knaap. 2023. Introduction. In Keeping Small Businesses in Place: Voices from the Field, edited by Reemberto Rodriguez, Willow Lung-Amam, Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Dejuan Johnson, and Katy June-Friesen. College Park, MD: Small Business Anti-Displacement Network.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Rodney Green, Nohely Alvarez, Alonzo Washington, and Donta Council. Langley Park’s Crime Prevention Collaborative: Making a Safer, Stronger Community. Hyattsville, MD: CASA de Maryland (accepted, forthcoming).

Alvarez, Nohely T., Bi’Anncha Andrews, and Willow Lung-Amam. August 2021. Small Business Anti-Displacement Toolkit: A Guide for Small Business Leaders. College Park MD: Small Business Anti-Displacement Network and National Center for Smart Growth.

Wong, Brittany, Willow Lung-Amam, and Gerrit Knaap. 2021 May. Moderately Priced Dwelling Units: Montgomery County, Maryland’s Model of Inclusionary. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Brittany Wong, Molly Carpenter, Alonzo Washington, and Julio Murillo. 2019 October. Housing Matters: Ensuring Quality, Safe, and Healthy Housing in Langley Park, Maryland. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, University of Maryland and CASA.

Prince George’s County, Maryland. Housing Opportunities for All: Comprehensive Housing Strategy. 2019 August. Prepared in partnership with Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. on behalf of the Department of Housing and Community Development. Contributing author with National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education.

Lung-Amam, Willow. 2019. Asian Malls. In Planning with Diverse Communities by Ivis Garcia Zambrana, Andrea Garfinkel-Castro, and Deirdre Pfeiffer, p. 49. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Ariel Bierbaum, Sheri Parks, Lauren Stamm, Gail Sunderman, and Gerrit Knaap. 2018 October. Smart Cities, Connected Communities: Using Technology to Meet the Needs of the West Baltimore Residents. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, University of Maryland, College Park.

Nicholas Finio, Willow Lung-Amam, Gerrit Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Brittany Wong. 2018, October. Equity, Opportunity, and the Regional Planning Process: Data and Mapping in Five U.S. Metropolitan Areas. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, University of Maryland, College Park. For Enterprise Community Partners.

Nicholas Finio, Willow Lung-Amam, Brandon Bedford, Gerrit Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Elijah Knaap. 2018 Regional Approaches to Engagement, Collaboration and Housing Policy: Lessons from Baltimore’s Sustainable Communities Initiative Grant. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and Enterprise Community Partners.

Nicholas Finio, Willow Lung-Amam, Brandon Bedford, Gerrit Knaap, Casey Dawkins, and Elijah Knaap. 2018. Toward an Equitable Region: Lessons from Baltimore’s Sustainable Communities Initiative Grant. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education. For Enterprise Community Partners.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Casey Dawkins, and Jeanne Choquehuanca. 2017, September. Engaging Communities around Opportunity through Story Mapping. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and Enterprise Community Partners.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Casey Dawkins, and Brandon Bedford. 2017, August. Story Mapping in Action: Engaging an Immigrant Community in Planning for a New Light Rail. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and Enterprise Community Partners.

Lung-Amam, Willow, Casey Dawkins, Zorayda Moreira, Gerrit-Jan Knaap, and Alonzo Washington. 2017. Preparing for the Purple Line: Affordable Housing Strategies for Langley Park, Maryland. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and CASA. 

Book & Project Reviews

Lung-Amam, Willow. Review of Designing Suburban Futures: New Models from Build a Better Burb, by June Williamson. Journal of Planning Education and Research 34, 4 (2014) 34: 475-477.

Lung-Amam, Willow. Review of Ethnoburb: The New Ethnic Community in Urban America, by Wei Li. Berkeley Planning Journal 23, 1 (2010): 208-210. 

Lung-Amam, Willow. Review of Landscape and Race in the United States, by Richard Schein. Berkeley Planning Journal 22, 1 (2009): 176-177. 

Lung-Amam, Willow. Review of “The Landscape Totems: Speculations on Growth and Decay,” a research project by Kristi Dykema (EDRA/Places Research Award). Places 20, 3 (2008): 36-41.